Welcome to the first week of the new year! These new beginnings are odd combinations of occasions to look forward and look back. When I look back to this time last year, Lisa and I were sitting on a secret, pretty sure that God was moving our life and ministry in a new direction. We were about to trade our North Georgia red clay in on St. Petersburg sand and one great group of parishioners and friends for another. A big home on country acreage was exchanged for a smaller one on an urban island. We moved from one church with a rich history, particular challenges, and a promising future to another one coincidentally bearing the same name.
A lot has happened in the days between then and now. I am happy to finally report that one of these things is that we have a contract on our version of Tara in Alcovy Lakes. Other things are falling into place as well here at FBC. Some seen, like increased attendance, giving, and ministry. Some felt, like a warmer spirit, anticipation, and hope, and deep, meaningful relationships being formed. Some anticipated, like new ministries, staff additions, ministry projects, and the welcoming of many new friends and families into this fellowship.
Sunday’s sermon will ask the question, “What’s New?” If I have learned one thing this year, it is that God is always up to doing new things in new ways. We will take a look at God’s activity in scripture and in our lives to embrace and join God’s unprecedented activity. Isn’t it amazing that God who never changes never seems to do the same thing the same way twice? We will ponder that and a few more things when we get together Sunday. I’ll see you then.