I so enjoyed our first service of the year together last Sunday. There was a wonderful spirit, music was powerful and uplifting and you were a lively and attentive group to preach to. Pastors love those kind of days. Good news is, that is a regular reality in these parts and I get to celebrate that with you.
As we start the new year together, I wanted to bring you up to date on our giving for the years just finished and begun. In 2016 we saw an increase in our operating budget receipts to just shy of one million dollars. If wee had known we were that close to the milestone, I would have insisted we pass the plate at least once more. That level of giving is trending in the right direction and moving us toward the level of stewardship that will make more possible the ministry we desire and need at FBC. Thank you for what you have done and will do in the days ahead.
When we begin our financial journey for 2017, there will be some differences in our budget structure and the level of giving required to make that happen. First, our goal for ministry spending is $1.25 million dollars. We can do that. There is room for advancement as we get more excited and financially responsive to these needs. Secondly, we do expect to see growth in new folks as well as growth in our own stewardship.
Structurally, there are two line items that are new. We will begin each month by designating 7% of our undesignated dollars to missions. This is roughly double previous budget commitments. In addition to that we know there will be designated gifts for certain mission efforts over and above that. We will also set aside money each month for deferred maintenance of our facility. It takes a lot to take care of the building that houses much of our ministry – all 105 thousand square feet of it. We are being proactive in caring for the temple. I think God is honored by both of these commitments.
Financial and spiritual health often go hand in hand in congregational life. As we grow in our love for God, each other, and the mission he has entrusted to us, our giving will rise to new heights as well. Because of my belief in our mission and my love for and confidence in our people I am confident we will rise to that challenge. I look forward to seeing and celebrating that with you.