In speaking to God’s people about the inequities of his day, the prophet Micah posed a timeless question – “What does the Lord require of you?” If you were asked that question off the cuff you may come up with a myriad of worthwhile behaviors, activities, and pursuits. The old prophet just gave us three, and they are three pretty good ones. Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with your God.
As Christians, we have taken this admonition more or less seriously through the years. You could make the case that walking humbly with our God is a call to a life of worship and devotion. We have done more than most over the centuries to love mercy and do the acts of charity that mercy call for. But what about that justice thing? What is it? How do you do it? It is an individual or corporate reality. All good questions.
On the next two Wednesday nights, I will be leading a workshop in our regular Bible study hour. The subject of the teaching and subsequent interaction will be centered on what it means to act justly and call on the powers that be around us to align themselves that way. If you have an interest in what that might look like, I encourage you to join us. We are going to look at a Biblical call for the church to bear influence and prophetic voice. What are the things that suggest to us that the world is not as God would have it be, and how can we address it? And we will find our what fellow people of faith have felt compelled to do together to live out the first of the three things our God compels us to do.
We will also be introduced to the gathering of local congregations known as FAST – Faith & Action for Strength Together. We are taking a slow but steady walk discerning if and how God would have our congregation join forces in these pursuits of justice around us. I hope you will join us at 5:45 PM the next two Wednesdays. Dinner will be served at five if you can make it. I hope to see you there.