What a week it was for a celebration of the resurrection of our Lord! It was great to look out and see and feel a fuller house on Sunday morning. That extra few hundred folks did a lot to provide energy and gravity to a most important service. The music was beyond wonderful! I can’t say thank you enough to Chris, Dawne, Ray, Megan, choir, band, and orchestra for lifting up both our people and the name of the Lord in such a marvelous way. And I have to say, the Hallelujah Chorus rocked the house and sent us all out with strong and joyful hearts. Lenny’s guitar riff near the end was as impressive as it was unexpected. I’m pretty sure Handel did not imagine it that way, but would have loved it. I know I did.
Sunday also marked a significant transition for our ministry team. Dawne Eubanks concluded her three year interim as, first, Traditional Music Minister, and then Choir Director. And what a run it was. We have repeated to the point of embarrassment our love and appreciation for all she has done, and more importantly, the spirit with which she has done it. We have been most blessed. And that musical service Sunday was, as they say at Augusta, “one for the ages.” She certainly went out on a high note.
It also marks the beginning of Chris Culpepper’s full leadership of our music ministry. In my time at FBC, I have been so impressed with his talent, but even more so his team spirit, great heart, and intense work ethic. All this will serve him, us, and the Lord well in the days ahead. Don’t expect too much of a cosmic shift in the way things are, for we have so much talent and tradition that we value and rely upon. But know that, in time, Chris and I will work hard together to gently shape the direction of corporate worship for the next great era in this church. I could not have searched and found a better person to lead in such a time as this – and you had him waiting and developing right here. Good work, folks.
I know you will offer Chris your full support and encouragement as we go forward. And many folks will be finding their way into the choir, orchestra, or rostrum in the use of their musical gifts. And to that end, I ask you to pray for me and my key leadership as we seek to find the full and permanent staff to join us in loving and leading these great people. Your prayers for this and many other things are felt, needed, and appreciated.