“There is a time for everything,
and a season for everything under heaven.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Monday morning our Worship Pastor and my young friend Chris Culpepper shared with me the news that God has led him into a new and different season of life and ministry. Beginning October 20, Chris will become the Associate Pastor at First Baptist Church, Longwood, Florida. The good folks in this Orlando suburb are welcoming a fine musician, and an even finer young man. His amazing voice might only be exceeded by the broad range of talent and heart to use them all for our Lord and his people. They will be indeed blessed by his coming.
Movement in ministry is natural, with God often using one experience to prepare you for another. That has always been my experience, and I believe it will be for Chris. I hope that he takes a piece of FBC with him and holds it in his heart. I also pray that God will take his service to places it could not have gone by remaining here. And that we will see the unique plan God has for us in the days ahead. As he has provided for Chris, He will for us.
It’s the going that gives rise to many emotions back here. The first of those is loss, as we have come to value Chris and his considerable impact on our ministry. We have come to love and enjoy Chris, Jasmine, and the kids. We will miss Chris’ joyful spirit and his let’s get it done together attitude, as well as Jasmine’s infectious smile and quick wit. When it comes to grins, you can’t see one of Hudson’s without finding one of your own. And my, how that Emerson has grown since showing up on Christmas Eve three days into life. This is a wonderful family, and we cannot be more thankful for them or wish greater blessings upon them.
I have a special benediction I have used often at times of significant transitions in life. It’s by the great Baptist storyteller Grady Nutt.
May you know the past as a foundation and not an anchor. May you know the future as a joy and not a burden. And hold the present in steady hands like ordinary clay about to become a masterpiece. And go with God.
That is my prayer for Chris and the Culpepper’s on their road ahead. And for us on ours as well.