Dear St. Pete Friends,
On Sunday afternoon, Lisa and I accepted a call to become the new Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Murfreesboro, Tennessee. As certain as we were of God’s calling to come to serve you here, we feel the same confidence of his leading to begin a new season of life and ministry on the outskirts of Nashville.
We leave FBC St. Pete with much love and appreciation for our nearly five years together. We have made some good friends and made some good progress together. I am so proud of the increased impact on our community through ministries like Family Promise, FAST, the Food Pantry, and our Lynch Elementary partnership. I marvel at the way we creatively navigated the ongoing age of Covid-19, learning that the un-gathered church was still the church. One highlight for me was our music over the last year and the privilege of being a small part of it. As with all ministries, there have been disappointments and some dreams not realized the way we would have planned. But I am reminded that God is the ultimate planner, and he knows the path ahead for us all. On that we can rely.
Know that this church and this city will remain in our hearts and in our life in the years ahead. I will continue to serve as your pastor through the end of the year. During that time, I will work diligently with the leadership of the church to lay the groundwork for a successful transition, providing every resource that I can. I will also treasure the next three Sundays and our service together on Christmas Eve.
On Easter Sunday of 2016, I accepted your call and told you that I came with no agenda but to love and lead you. I believe I have kept that promise. So, I ask you to release me to do the same for the good people of Murfreesboro beginning in January of the year. We wish nothing but the best for FBC St. Petersburg and will forever hold you in our thoughts and prayers.
Faithfully yours,
Pastor Glen Money